T2 Programming 2021-11-08…Fatigue Resistance Festival!

Wow! The Workouts of the Week are dynamic and oh so delightful! We are working on athletic fatigue resistance with 3 different setups, and putting together a great stimulus for the key components of durability and versatility.

The serving suggestions for your feast of fabulous fitness include an aerobic session, a resistance routine, and a mobility experience. The goal is to get 2 of each in during the week. Ideally, that might look like A-B-C-A-B-C-OFF but you can put together whatever works best for you.

Week of 2021-11-08 (week 2 of month 3: Endurance Block)

Slow Walk
X 5’
Power Walk or Run
X 50’
Slow Walk
X 5’

Pyramid Circuits
5-10-15-10-5 reps
Moderate resistance

Bodyweight row
Balance board split squat
Kneeling landmine press
Jump Rope
3 x 1’

Assisted squats
X 50
Cycling, elliptical, swimming,
rowing (any non-locomotion)
X 30’ very easy

Assisted pull-ups 
X 50
These are Masterpieces of Motion-mojo!

Key Workout Information

Workout A: The Hour (almost) of Power! This is human locomotion time. After a few minutes of strolling, build to a power walk or steady run and hold it for 30 (minimum) to 50 (preferred) minutes. Amble out of it for another 5. Consistent, strong aerobic output is challenging to do for this duration, so be sure to pace and concentrate appropriately.

Workout B: On paper (or screen) this looks like nothing. As you know a “gitter” is a rest-pause technique in which you just bang out reps til you need a break, catch a few breaths, and hammer some more until you get your number. 100 pushups will be exciting this way. You’ll see VIPER holding his rest in the “up” position. Then, the pyramid circuits means you do 5 reps of each exercise, then 10 reps of each, and so on, going up and down the pyramid. Rest as needed and focus on artistic execution of every movement. You can set up your elastic landmine press using a broomstick and anchoring your tubing or band under your couch (this is always can-do country #findaway #nofrigginexcusesever). If you don’t have a jumprope, just do the invisible version. Three rounds of 1 minute each will be surprisingly awesome.

Workout C: Back to “gitters” but now we use an assist band on the squat to allow for less effort and more mobility. Then get some low intensity effort using any mode other than running or walking to give your body some low impact circulation. The assisted pull ups are meant to be done with lots of assistance, so you really make this more of a stretch than a killer. Try to move like a supple, fluid, BEAST!

This week’s MasterClass will continue on our theme of movement pattern mastery. We’ll be looking at some basic exercise and refining techniques. You’ll get a workout and also get some tools that can help you in all your training.

Training and Refining Movement
Have your home gym ready to go!
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Keep on keeping on! You’re the BEST!

Capture VIPER’s Intensity!

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