T2 Programming 2021-03-29…More Strength, New Split, and Killer Boots Man!

OK…everything but the killer boots! Hopefully someone got the “Dumb and Dumber” reference.

Oh Magnificent One…another month of greatness is upon us. We’re launching into month 3 of the strength block, and moving into a 3/3 training split that features full body resistance training and general conditioning. It’s zesty, delightful, and powerful…just like YOU! 

As I look back over the past several months, we’ve certainly covered a lot of essential content in the development of The Lifetime Athlete. My hat is off to you for being a rockstar!

WEEK OF: 03-29-2021 (1st week of month 3, Strength block)

Med ball rainbow taps
X 20
X 20
Full Body 1
RIR 6-5-4-3-2-1

Head support bent row

Seated Uni KB OHP
Walking lunge
2 x 20 steps

Alt 1arm deadlift
2 x 20
Concentrate on
core tension in
every lift.
KB swings
X 20

Sidelying tubing uni pulldowns
X 20 (10 per side)
Full Body 2
RIR 6-5-4-3-2-1

Close grip bench press

KB rack squat with heels
on board, switch sides halfway
3 x 8+8
Medium weight

Skull crushers 

Spider curls
Focus on grip
strength with
each movement.
X 20

Jumping jacks
X 20 (4-count)
Full Body 3
RIR 6-5-4-3-2-1

Step up/OHP

Deadlift/hang clean
Iso holds
2 x 30 seconds each

Lunge (1 x L, 1 x R)

Hanging knee lift
Pressure your
midfoot when
weight bearing.
X 20 each

Uni forefoot bench bridge

Forefoot switch bridging

Lat/vert hops

Tubing trunk twist
General Conditioning 1

Cardio “on/offs”
Any mode

6 x 3’
@RPE 5-6-7-8-9-5

With 10 x:

Sandbag thruster (light)

Reverse hyper

Bench leg raise

(during each “off” phase)
Jump Progressions
5 x 1 for each

CM box jump

Depth drop

Depth jump

Jump rope 
(5 x 10 sec.)
Own your space,
position, and
motion like a beast!
Pure Gold!

Workout A1 Breakdown: Start off with some medicine ball rainbow taps (use any weight you have) and follow those with old school foot-anchored situps. If you keep your core locked and your range of motion tight, this is actually good for you back. The methodology for all the main lifts in A1-2-3 is as follows: 6 sets doing 12-10-8-6-4-20 reps using effort level reps in reserve of 6-5-4-3-2-1, giving you a nice burn on that final set. Adjust weight as needed, as always. Main lifts in A1 are a head-supported bent row (using a towel and a chair) and a seated one-arm-at-a-time kettlebell press. You then finish out in the accessories with walking lunges using medium dumbbells held at sides for two rounds of 20 steps, and then the alternating 1-arm deadlift (see video for specific technique) using a heavy bell. Really try to keep your core tight throughout all the movements. 

Workout A2 Breakdown: Activate with kettlebell swings and a nice unilateral variant of the vertical pull using your tubing. Primary lifts are close-grip bench (BB or DB) and a unilateral rack squat using your KB and heels elevated (switch sides halfway). Skull crushers are performed by arcing the bar or bells toward the top of your head with fixed elbows. Spider curls use the incline row position. Superset these in combo by doing one set of crushers and 1 set of curls, then rest before the next attempt. Great pump. Apply a crush grip to everything.

Workout A3 Breakdown: Get your party started (Thanks KISS) with some pushups and leg raises. Then rock hard into the combo moves. DB’s at shoulders, step up onto box or bench, and press overhead (Adam and Kati do this outside). Lower weights and step down, alternating legs as you go. The other combo is a deadlift and hang clean. Use fairly heavy bells and put them on boards or books to make lifting blocks. Deadlift to starting position, and then clean (see video) the weights up to shoulder height. Lower slowly. Iso holds finish things out with lunges and knee lifts from your bar. A good thing to think about when weight-bearing is to use your whole foot. Imagine you are squishing a lemon under your arch.

Workout B1 Breakdown: This is the conditioning workout in the split. Try to get 2-3 of these in. I’ll change it up every week. The activation is a nice collection of athletic moves. Then the real fun begins in the Primary section. On’s and off’s are where you get on and off your bike, rower, elliptical, treadmill (or jog outside, do calisthenics, etc.) and treat yourself to awesome exercises during the “breaks.” Effort escalates for each 3 minute period on the bike (etc.) using Rate of Perceived Exertion, starting at 5/10, working up to a 9, and then back down to a 5 for your final round. In between each round you do 10 reps each of thrusters, reverse hyperextensions, and leg raises. The finale is a jump progression and I’ll show you how to do that safely no matter what your level.

*Any time you have a question about an exercise…just ping me in the T2 Forum.

The MasterClasses are going great. They’ve taken on a personality of their own. Last week featured a lot of kettlebell work and even some bike intervals. This week we’ll use a few more of your Essential Home Gym tools and focus on mobility.

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April is here (almost). Get ready for heading outdoors for many of the workouts soon, no matter where you live. You’ll need to organize your FittKitts, and I’ll help you do that soon.


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